IoTPASS: Delivering Complete Container Transparency and Security
10 Oct 2023
Keynote Theatre
Cold Chain & Reefer
Interoperability & Collaboration
Tracking Technology
Net Feasa will present the world’s first truly Secure & Smart Container Tracking device to come to market. Our patent pending, “An Apparatus for Monitoring of Transport Containers”, is an integrated (mechanical) locking mechanism, further enhanced by AI to generate reliable data on Open/Close Door, identifying location anomalies, tamper alerts etc. IoTPASS™ is simply snapped onto the container door locking bar and then spun into place and secured, to complete the fastest installation process of our peers. IoTPASS™ is future proof in that it is true IoT (5G compatible) and it also it falls back to the new non terrestrial network (NTN) Mobile Satellite capability.